Sunday, June 19, 2011

Persian Coneflower

(Centaurea dealbata) Persian coneflower - also called a whitewash coneflower

This is one of my pride and joy perennial favorites that springs to life each year from a lime green carpet of Creeping Jenny in my garden along our patio, it's relatively easy to grow and drought tolerant. This plant is a close relative of the blue bachelor button, Centaura montana. The flower is a pinkish lavender color and smaller but has the typical scaled calyx.
What is particularly attractive about this plant is its graceful shape, from a narrow base it branches out into an attractive vase shape. Flowers form on long slender stem that is 18 - 24 inches long. The pale blue-green foliage is divided with a silvery underside that is covered in hairs.

A hardy perennial from zone 3-8, this plant will tolerate almost any kind of soil as long as it is well drained. Once it has its taproot down it will tolerate dry conditions but will succumb to lack of drainage especially while dormant.

The normal flowering period is late spring to early summer but it will bloom into mid summer if the plant is deadheaded regularly.


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